Primary School
Through the Primary years, we endeavor to nurture the Language, Cognitive, Personal, Social, Emotional, Physical, Inquiry, Spiritual, Creative and Imaginative skill of every child. The curriculum is child-centered, activity-based and experiential in nature. We believe that children learn best in an environment which is safe, joyful and intellectually stimulating. Ample opportunities are provided at all levels to encourage children to become active and independent learners, taking responsibility for their own learning. Periodic Tests are an integral part of our evaluation system and are implemented to ascertain the knowledge, understanding, and skills attained by each child. The portions from the syllabus will be cumulatively covered. Parents receive regular feedback and updates of their child’s development and progress at school. A home-school partnership is encouraged which goes a long way in contributing to the success of each child.
List of Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Environmental Studies
- MoralSocial and Cultural Studies
- Arabic
- Islamic Education / Moral Instruction
- Second Language - Hindi / Malayalam / French
- Performing and Visual Arts
- Physical Education and Swimming for Grades 3 and 4
The System of Evaluation
The pattern of assessment and system of grading is consistent with the CBSE guidelines. Assessments will be conducted as per the CBSE assessment pattern.
Assessment Schedule
Schedule for Grade 1 The pattern followed is similar to Kindergarten. A record of individual student attainment and progress is maintained for each unit through an on-going system of spaced oral, written activities and video recordings. Parents are regularly appraised of the same. Student progress is tracked across each unit.
Policy on Second Language
- Second Language (Hindi, Malayalam or French) is introduced in Grade 1 and continues up to Grade 10. Hence the choice of second language must be made carefully.
- Request for change in second language will be considered up to Grade 2 only. From Grade 3 onwards, students who wish to change their second language must appear for the entry level test to determine proficiency in the language (Grammar and Comprehension) being opted for at the end of the academic year.
- Change will be permitted only if the student gets a minimum of 50 % in the entry level test. It is also subject to the availability of seats in the language class.
- No changes will be allowed beyond Grade 3.